AtScale believes the value of a modern BI platform is in addressing known shortcomings and innovating on what originally made the semantic layer great: it is a force multiplier for data consumers. The concepts of a BI semantic model introduced almost 25 years ago have been largely static. Remember, the semantic layer is an abstraction and while having multiple abstractions for the same concept is sometimes right and useful, most of the time it goes against the engineering mantra of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). How many semantic layers do you need? (Hint: The correct answer is 1). So, a Semantic Layer sounds great, what’s the catch?Ĭheck out this simple search I did for ‘semantic layer’ In fact the concept was originally patented in 1991 by Business Objects and was successfully challenged by Microstrategy in 2003. Semantic, in the context of data and data warehouses, means ‘ from the user’s perspective’ which sounds like a nice clean solution to a nasty unbounded complexity problem. A semantic layer maps complex data into familiar business terms such as product, customer, or revenue to offer a unified, consolidated view of data across the organization.” “A semantic layer is a business representation of corporate data that helps end users access data autonomously using common business terms. In business intelligence (BI), also sometimes referred to as analytics, the key abstraction used in the majority of implementations is called the “semantic layer”. Can you afford to have each of your employees independently trying to replicate this logic correctly in their spreadsheets and reports? Will you be able to catch the subtle yet impactful errors?

Without some level of abstraction, business is beholden to IT to generate and run reports or risk making big, costly and worst of all hidden mistakes. children is an array of child nodes belonging to the node.What is “Net Sales”? Is it net of invoice line-item costs and/or net of rebates? A small use case may contain tens of these calculations while a departmental model may contain hundreds. expanded shows children of the node if true, or hides them if false. subtitle is a secondary label for the node. Tree data with the following keys: title is the primary label for the node.

Install react-sortable-tree : npm install react-sortable-tree -save

We are going to install react sortable tree component library from NPM repository.